Proposals for orthographic reform at the end of the 19th century (1875-1900). New perspectives on Spanish neography based on the press




linguistic historiography, neography, Spanish orthography, Spanish press, Spanish Royal Academy, 19th century


This research aims to examine the nature of the orthographic reform proposals in the late nineteenth century in Spain, when Bourbon Restoration is established. From this moment, there is a resurgence of Spanish neography that, supported by the impulse from the different international reform movements, finds new reasons to expose its proposals and reform requests in some spaces of public opinion, specially in the press, which stands as the key piece for the orthographic discussion. This work will serve, from a general point of view, to evaluate the role of the written press in the resurgence of neographic actions in Spain; from a specific perspective, it aims to bring to light the reformist proposals from the historical press and to carry out its study taking into account the conjunction of the internal and external perspectives of linguistic historiography.



How to Cite

Gaviño Rodríguez, V. (2024). Proposals for orthographic reform at the end of the 19th century (1875-1900). New perspectives on Spanish neography based on the press. Onomázein, (63), 55–85.




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