Contribuciones recientes al conocimiento del Cuaternario marino del centro y del norte de Chile


  • ROLAND PASKOFF Universidad Lumiere,


Cuaternario marino, Terrazas litorales, Geomorfología


The aim ofthe paper is toevaluate our present knowledge on the marine Quaternary ofnorth-central Chile where striking sequences ofemerged terraces are found. In order toestablish ages ofwave-cut platforms. radiometric and biogeo chemical methods. such as U/Th, ESR. and amino-acids. have been used. whichoften did not yield coherent results. Therefore. it is still difi cult toprecisely quantify values and rates of uplift which have affected Quaternary shorelines.


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How to Cite

PASKOFF, R. . (2021). Contribuciones recientes al conocimiento del Cuaternario marino del centro y del norte de Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (26), 43–50. Retrieved from


