Morfología glacial y proglacial de la zona del glaciar Dickson, Campo de Hielo Sur


  • GONZALO BARCAZA SEPULVEDA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Morfología, Glaciares, Campos de hielo


The strong trend to retrocession of the outlet glaciers of the Southern Patagonian Icefield and the resulting change of the erosive agent, fro m salid 10 liquid implies and immediate answers ta the local morphology in glaciers tones. The fragile dynamic equilibrium, is a constant stimulus to the creation of the new landforms. Glacier Dickson's case is associuted to frontier controversies, because there are implied future problems of hydric resources.


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How to Cite

BARCAZA SEPULVEDA, G. . (2021). Morfología glacial y proglacial de la zona del glaciar Dickson, Campo de Hielo Sur. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (26), 15–21. Retrieved from


