El Método de los Valores Tipológicos (MVT): Ideas para un método de identificación y de prevaloración cualitativa de áreas a urbanizar


  • Rodrigo Vidal Rojas Universidad de Santiago de Chile




Urban land market, methodology, parameters of urbanization


The studies of city planners, geographers, economists and sociologists, including the comprehensive experience of real estate promoters, bring us to hand an important and relevant amount of data; respect the urban land market with their availabilities. The research that supports this paper has had the opportunity to analyze all this available data. This permitted us to identify parameters that express qualities values for this urban land availability: like orientation, level of security, accessibility and others. Altogether, we are considering 22 parameters. This paper proposes a methodology of analysis of those parameters with the purpose of obtaining future urban land availability. This validation will constitute an important urban growth prospective tool for state investment planning


Author Biography

Rodrigo Vidal Rojas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Arquitecto, Máster en Ciencias Sociales, Máster en Diseño Urbano y Ordenamiento Territorial, Doctor en Geografía Urbana, profesor e investigador Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Chile). 



How to Cite

Vidal Rojas, R. . (2008). El Método de los Valores Tipológicos (MVT): Ideas para un método de identificación y de prevaloración cualitativa de áreas a urbanizar. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (39), 39–58. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022008000100004


