Artistic Narratives of Transformation. An Approach to the Sensitivity and its Memory
Collective memory, industrial heritage, decolonial turn, cultural identification and Art in RuinsAbstract
The article explores the essential role of the arts as a vehicle and language for communicating affects and emotions, especially in the context of collective memory and worker cultural identity in Lota, Chile. Acknowledges their capacity to nourish critique and promote the decolonial turn as an analytical approach aimed at transformation. The focus is on a project that merges the Festival of Art in Ruins with the IV International and Interdisciplinary Congress on Cultural Heritage: Industrial Heritage, Social Issues, and Challenges for New Governance, thereby facilitating the communities of Biobío (Chile) to share their narratives about industrial heritage and their memories of deindustrialization. The work “Rescue of the Memory of a Miner”, created by former workers and mining families from Lota Coal, is analyzed as a compelling example of this artistic expression, reflecting a transformation in the perception of the past and future reflection, recognizing its status as an archive. Through an analysis of the symbolic systems contained in the work, the experiences of a territory aspiring to be recognized globally for the importance for the inhabitants of the area. This analysis allows for the identification of symbolic enclaves underlying the construction and preservation of collective memory and community identification of the post-industrial landscape.
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