Evaluación de la degradación geoecológica del geosistema Llanura Costera del río San Pedro, Nayarit (México)
Paisaje, unidades hidrogeológicas, usos del suelo, hemerobia, degradación antrópicaAbstract
The aim of this methodology is to analyse the degree of geoecological alteration in order to evaluate the functionality of the territorial system in the hydrological sub-region of the San Pedro River, included inside the biosphere reserve "Marismas Nacionales" and its influence area (Nayarit, Mexico). For this purpose, homogeneous hydrogeomorphological units have been used to assess the degree of hemerobiology through the geographical superimposition of layers that provide information about the level of loss of naturalness of the territory, such as land use or anthropic interventions. The results show a geo-ecological system that increases the degree of degradation from inland areas towards coastal zones, in which, broadly speaking, a degraded part is identified due to the presence of primary land uses (agriculture, shrimp fishing, livestock) while another part remains in a semi-natural state, due to the conditions of the terrain, which do not allow its conditioning for human use. There is therefore a connection between landscape degradation and the configuration of the relief and geomorphology of the study area.
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