Characteristics of the Spatial Distribution of the Population Population: Province of San Antonio, 1982
Spatial distribution, Spatial statistics, San Antonio, PopulationAbstract
Four cartographicand statistical systems were used to demonstrate and analyze the spatioldistribution of the population in the province of San Antonio. It is concluded that the distribution is characterizedby a nucleus that originates nearthe districtof San Antonio and projects to the north following the coast.The distribution is disperse das much to the south as to the interiorof the province. The statistical methods used confirm the characteristics of the distribution.
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How to Cite
Gaete Jenicek, M., & ERRAZURIZ K., A. M. (1990). Characteristics of the Spatial Distribution of the Population Population: Province of San Antonio, 1982. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (17), 17–25. Retrieved from