The concept of "production of space" and contemporary urban dynamics under the dominance of finance
production of space, urban space, urban dynamics, space and accumulation.Abstract
Within the limits presented by the journal, the article focuses on a theoretical-methodological question: the terms, contents and meanings of the concept of production of space to think about urban dynamics today, traversed by the process of financialization.The challenge is to understand contemporary urban dynamics beyond the city and the metropolis as material expressions of the urban phenomenon (or its cartographic representation) by understanding the explanatory foundations of contemporary urban dynamics from the concept of production of space. We take as a starting point for the understanding of space, its production as a condition, means and product of the social relations that keep men alive, reproducing themselves in the frameworks of a "radical critical geography". Today the productive processes of space are supported by new processes of valuation dictated by the development of finance. This movement, constitutive of the current moment of capitalist accumulation, dominates everyday life, deepening the deprivation of the urban.
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